#include <Module.h>
Inherited by AbsControlModule, AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioCaptureSrc, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CCNPPI, CalcHistogramCV, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, ExternalSinkModule, ExternalSourceModule, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileReaderModule, FileWriterModule, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4ReaderSource, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, NvArgusCamera, NvTransform, NvV4L2Camera, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, RTSPClientSrc, RTSPPusher, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, Split, StatSink, TestSignalGenerator, TextOverlayXForm, ThumbnailListGenerator, ValveModule, VirtualCameraSink, VirtualPTZ, and WebCamSource.
| Module (Kind nature, string name, ModuleProps _props) |
virtual | ~Module () |
Kind | getNature () |
string | getName () |
string | getId () |
double | getPipelineFps () |
uint64_t | getTickCounter () |
string | addOutputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata) |
vector< string > | getAllOutputPinsByType (int type) |
void | addOutputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId) |
bool | setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open=true) |
virtual bool | setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open=true, bool sieve=true) |
bool | addFeedback (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open=true) |
bool | addFeedback (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open=true) |
boost_deque< boost::shared_ptr< Module > > | getConnectedModules () |
bool | relay (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open, bool priority=false) |
virtual bool | init () |
void | operator() () |
virtual bool | run () |
bool | play (float speed, bool direction=true) |
bool | play (bool play) |
bool | queueStep () |
virtual bool | step () |
virtual bool | stop () |
virtual bool | term () |
virtual bool | isFull () |
bool | isNextModuleQueFull () |
void | adaptQueue (boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueueAdapter > queAdapter) |
void | register_consumer (boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)>, bool bFatal=false) |
boost::shared_ptr< PaceMaker > | getPacer () |
virtual void | flushQue () |
bool | getPlayDirection () |
virtual void | flushQueRecursive () |
virtual void | addControlModule (boost::shared_ptr< Module > cModule) |
void | registerHealthCallback (APHealthCallback callback) |
void | executeErrorCallback (const APErrorObject &error) |
void | registerErrorCallback (APErrorCallback callback) |
ModuleProps | getProps () |
static frame_sp | getFrameByType (frame_container &frames, int frameType) |
virtual boost_deque< frame_sp > | getFrames (frame_container &frames) |
virtual bool | process (frame_container &frames) |
virtual bool | processEOS (string &pinId) |
virtual bool | processSOS (frame_sp &frame) |
virtual bool | shouldTriggerSOS () |
virtual bool | produce () |
bool | stepNonSource (frame_container &frames) |
bool | preProcessNonSource (frame_container &frames) |
bool | preProcessControl (frame_container &frames) |
bool | isRunning () |
void | setProps (ModuleProps &props) |
void | fillProps (ModuleProps &props) |
template<class T> |
void | addPropsToQueue (T &props, bool priority=false) |
virtual bool | handlePropsChange (frame_sp &frame) |
virtual bool | handleCommand (Command::CommandType type, frame_sp &frame) |
template<class T> |
bool | handlePropsChange (frame_sp &frame, T &props) |
template<class T> |
bool | queuePriorityCommand (T &cmd) |
template<class T> |
bool | queueCommand (T &cmd, bool priority=false) |
template<class T> |
void | getCommand (T &cmd, frame_sp &frame) |
bool | queuePlayPauseCommand (PlayPauseCommand ppCmd, bool priority=false) |
frame_sp | makeCommandFrame (size_t size, framemetadata_sp &metadata) |
frame_sp | makeFrame (size_t size, string &pinId) |
frame_sp | makeFrame (size_t size) |
frame_sp | makeFrame () |
frame_sp | makeFrame (frame_sp &bigFrame, size_t &newSize, string &pinId) |
frame_sp | getEOSFrame () |
frame_sp | getEmptyFrame () |
void | setMetadata (std::string &pinId, framemetadata_sp &metadata) |
virtual bool | send (frame_container &frames, bool forceBlockingPush=false) |
virtual void | sendEOS () |
virtual void | sendEOS (frame_sp &frame) |
virtual void | sendMp4ErrorFrame (frame_sp &frame) |
virtual void | sendEoPFrame () |
void | ignore (int times) |
void | stop_onStepfail () |
void | emit_event (unsigned short eventID) |
void | emit_fatal (unsigned short eventID) |
void | setModuleState (enum ModuleState es) |
ModuleState | getModuleState () |
virtual bool | validateInputPins () |
virtual bool | validateOutputPins () |
virtual bool | validateInputOutputPins () |
size_t | getNumberOfOutputPins (bool implicit=true) |
size_t | getNumberOfInputPins () |
framemetadata_sp | getFirstInputMetadata () |
framemetadata_sp | getFirstOutputMetadata () |
framemetadata_sp | getOutputMetadata (string outPinID) |
metadata_by_pin & | getInputMetadata () |
framefactory_by_pin & | getOutputFrameFactory () |
framemetadata_sp | getInputMetadataByType (int type) |
int | getNumberOfInputsByType (int type) |
int | getNumberOfOutputsByType (int type) |
framemetadata_sp | getOutputMetadataByType (int type) |
bool | isMetadataEmpty (framemetadata_sp &metadata) |
bool | isFrameEmpty (frame_sp &frame) |
string | getInputPinIdByType (int type) |
string | getOutputPinIdByType (int type) |
bool | setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open, bool isFeedback, bool sieve) |
bool | setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open, bool isFeedback, bool sieve) |
void | addInputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId, bool isFeedback) |
virtual void | addInputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId) |
boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueue > | getQue () |
bool | getPlayState () |
Connections | getConnections () |
frame_container | try_pop () |
frame_container | pop () |
bool | processSourceQue () |
bool | handlePausePlay (bool play) |
virtual bool | handlePausePlay (float speed=1, bool direction=true) |
virtual void | notifyPlay (bool play) |
FFBufferMaker | createFFBufferMaker () |
◆ Kind
Enumerator |
SINK | |
◆ ModuleState
Enumerator |
Initialized | |
Running | |
EndOfStreamNormal | |
EndOfStreamSocketError | |
◆ Module()
◆ ~Module()
◆ adaptQueue()
◆ addControlModule()
void Module::addControlModule |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | cModule | ) |
virtual |
◆ addEoPFrame()
bool Module::addEoPFrame |
( |
frame_container & | frames | ) |
private |
◆ addFeedback() [1/2]
bool Module::addFeedback |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
bool | open = true ) |
◆ addFeedback() [2/2]
bool Module::addFeedback |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
vector< string > & | pinIdArr, |
bool | open = true ) |
◆ addInputPin() [1/2]
void Module::addInputPin |
( |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata, |
string & | pinId ) |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioToTextXForm, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, H264Decoder, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, NvTransform, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, Split, TextOverlayXForm, ValveModule, and VirtualPTZ.
◆ addInputPin() [2/2]
void Module::addInputPin |
( |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata, |
string & | pinId, |
bool | isFeedback ) |
protected |
◆ addOutputPin() [1/2]
string Module::addOutputPin |
( |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata | ) |
◆ addOutputPin() [2/2]
void Module::addOutputPin |
( |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata, |
string & | pinId ) |
◆ addPropsToQueue()
template<class T>
void Module::addPropsToQueue |
( |
T & | props, |
bool | priority = false ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ createFFBufferMaker()
◆ deSerialize()
template<class T>
void Module::deSerialize |
( |
T & | props, |
frame_sp & | frame ) |
inlineprivate |
◆ emit_event()
void Module::emit_event |
( |
unsigned short | eventID | ) |
protected |
◆ emit_fatal()
void Module::emit_fatal |
( |
unsigned short | eventID | ) |
protected |
◆ executeErrorCallback()
◆ fillProps()
◆ flushQue()
void Module::flushQue |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
◆ flushQueRecursive()
void Module::flushQueRecursive |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
◆ getAllOutputPinsByType()
vector< string > Module::getAllOutputPinsByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
◆ getCommand()
template<class T>
void Module::getCommand |
( |
T & | cmd, |
frame_sp & | frame ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getConnectedModules()
boost::container::deque< boost::shared_ptr< Module > > Module::getConnectedModules |
( |
| ) |
◆ getConnections()
Connections Module::getConnections |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getEmptyFrame()
frame_sp Module::getEmptyFrame |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ getEOSFrame()
frame_sp Module::getEOSFrame |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ getFirstInputMetadata()
framemetadata_sp Module::getFirstInputMetadata |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ getFirstOutputMetadata()
framemetadata_sp Module::getFirstOutputMetadata |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ getFrameByType()
frame_sp Module::getFrameByType |
( |
frame_container & | frames, |
int | frameType ) |
static |
◆ getFrames()
boost_deque< frame_sp > Module::getFrames |
( |
frame_container & | frames | ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ getId()
◆ getInputMetadata()
metadata_by_pin & Module::getInputMetadata |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getInputMetadataByType()
framemetadata_sp Module::getInputMetadataByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
protected |
◆ getInputPinIdByType()
string Module::getInputPinIdByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
protected |
◆ getModuleState()
◆ getName()
string Module::getName |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ getNature()
Kind Module::getNature |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ getNumberOfInputPins()
size_t Module::getNumberOfInputPins |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getNumberOfInputsByType()
int Module::getNumberOfInputsByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
protected |
◆ getNumberOfOutputPins()
size_t Module::getNumberOfOutputPins |
( |
bool | implicit = true | ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getNumberOfOutputsByType()
int Module::getNumberOfOutputsByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
protected |
◆ getOutputFrameFactory()
framefactory_by_pin & Module::getOutputFrameFactory |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getOutputMetadata()
framemetadata_sp Module::getOutputMetadata |
( |
string | outPinID | ) |
protected |
◆ getOutputMetadataByType()
framemetadata_sp Module::getOutputMetadataByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
protected |
◆ getOutputPinIdByType()
string Module::getOutputPinIdByType |
( |
int | type | ) |
protected |
◆ getPacer()
boost::shared_ptr< PaceMaker > Module::getPacer |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ getPipelineFps()
double Module::getPipelineFps |
( |
| ) |
◆ getPlayDirection()
bool Module::getPlayDirection |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ getPlayState()
bool Module::getPlayState |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ getProps()
◆ getQue()
◆ getTickCounter()
uint64_t Module::getTickCounter |
( |
| ) |
◆ handleCommand()
◆ handlePausePlay() [1/2]
bool Module::handlePausePlay |
( |
bool | play | ) |
protected |
◆ handlePausePlay() [2/2]
bool Module::handlePausePlay |
( |
float | speed = 1, |
bool | direction = true ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ handlePropsChange() [1/2]
bool Module::handlePropsChange |
( |
frame_sp & | frame | ) |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AbsControlModule, AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioCaptureSrc, AudioToTextXForm, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, EffectsNPPI, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileReaderModule, GaussianBlur, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4ReaderSource, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, OverlayNPPI, RTSPClientSrc, TestSignalGenerator, TextOverlayXForm, ThumbnailListGenerator, ValveModule, VirtualPTZ, and WebCamSource.
◆ handlePropsChange() [2/2]
template<class T>
bool Module::handlePropsChange |
( |
frame_sp & | frame, |
T & | props ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ handleStop()
bool Module::handleStop |
( |
| ) |
private |
◆ ignore()
void Module::ignore |
( |
int | times | ) |
protected |
◆ init()
Reimplemented in AbsControlModule, AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioCaptureSrc, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, ExternalSourceModule, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileReaderModule, FileWriterModule, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4ReaderSource, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, NvArgusCamera, NvTransform, NvV4L2Camera, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPClientSrc, RTSPPusher, Split, StatSink, TestSignalGenerator, TextOverlayXForm, ThumbnailListGenerator, ValveModule, VirtualCameraSink, VirtualPTZ, and WebCamSource.
◆ isFeedbackEnabled()
bool Module::isFeedbackEnabled |
( |
std::string & | moduleId | ) |
private |
◆ isFrameEmpty()
bool Module::isFrameEmpty |
( |
frame_sp & | frame | ) |
protected |
◆ isFull()
◆ isMetadataEmpty()
bool Module::isMetadataEmpty |
( |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata | ) |
protected |
◆ isNextModuleQueFull()
bool Module::isNextModuleQueFull |
( |
| ) |
◆ isRunning()
bool Module::isRunning |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ makeCommandFrame()
frame_sp Module::makeCommandFrame |
( |
size_t | size, |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata ) |
protected |
◆ makeFrame() [1/5]
frame_sp Module::makeFrame |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ makeFrame() [2/5]
frame_sp Module::makeFrame |
( |
frame_sp & | bigFrame, |
size_t & | newSize, |
string & | pinId ) |
protected |
◆ makeFrame() [3/5]
frame_sp Module::makeFrame |
( |
size_t | size | ) |
protected |
◆ makeFrame() [4/5]
frame_sp Module::makeFrame |
( |
size_t | size, |
framefactory_sp & | framefactory ) |
private |
◆ makeFrame() [5/5]
frame_sp Module::makeFrame |
( |
size_t | size, |
string & | pinId ) |
protected |
◆ notifyPlay()
virtual void Module::notifyPlay |
( |
bool | play | ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ operator()()
void Module::operator() |
( |
| ) |
◆ play() [1/2]
bool Module::play |
( |
bool | play | ) |
◆ play() [2/2]
bool Module::play |
( |
float | speed, |
bool | direction = true ) |
◆ pop()
frame_container Module::pop |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ preProcessControl()
bool Module::preProcessControl |
( |
frame_container & | frames | ) |
protected |
◆ preProcessNonSource()
bool Module::preProcessNonSource |
( |
frame_container & | frames | ) |
protected |
◆ process()
virtual bool Module::process |
( |
frame_container & | frames | ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AbsControlModule, AffineTransform, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileWriterModule, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, NvTransform, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPPusher, Split, StatSink, TextOverlayXForm, ThumbnailListGenerator, ValveModule, VirtualCameraSink, and VirtualPTZ.
◆ processEOS()
virtual bool Module::processEOS |
( |
string & | pinId | ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AffineTransform, BMPConverter, CCNPPI, CudaMemCopy, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, FacialLandmarkCV, GaussianBlur, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, MemTypeConversion, Mp4WriterSink, NvTransform, OverlayNPPI, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPPusher, and VirtualCameraSink.
◆ processSOS()
virtual bool Module::processSOS |
( |
frame_sp & | frame | ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AffineTransform, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CudaMemCopy, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, MemTypeConversion, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4WriterSink, NvTransform, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPPusher, TextOverlayXForm, ValveModule, VirtualCameraSink, and VirtualPTZ.
◆ processSourceQue()
bool Module::processSourceQue |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ produce()
virtual bool Module::produce |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ push()
bool Module::push |
( |
frame_container | frameContainer | ) |
private |
◆ push_back()
bool Module::push_back |
( |
frame_container | frameContainer | ) |
private |
◆ queueCommand()
template<class T>
bool Module::queueCommand |
( |
T & | cmd, |
bool | priority = false ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ queuePlayPauseCommand()
bool Module::queuePlayPauseCommand |
( |
PlayPauseCommand | ppCmd, |
bool | priority = false ) |
protected |
◆ queuePriorityCommand()
template<class T>
bool Module::queuePriorityCommand |
( |
T & | cmd | ) |
inlineprotected |
◆ queueStep()
bool Module::queueStep |
( |
| ) |
◆ register_consumer()
void Module::register_consumer |
( |
boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)> | consumer, |
bool | bFatal = false ) |
◆ registerErrorCallback()
void Module::registerErrorCallback |
( |
APErrorCallback | callback | ) |
◆ registerHealthCallback()
void Module::registerHealthCallback |
( |
APHealthCallback | callback | ) |
◆ relay()
bool Module::relay |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
bool | open, |
bool | priority = false ) |
◆ run()
◆ send()
bool Module::send |
( |
frame_container & | frames, |
bool | forceBlockingPush = false ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ sendEoPFrame()
void Module::sendEoPFrame |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ sendEOS() [1/2]
◆ sendEOS() [2/2]
void Module::sendEOS |
( |
frame_sp & | frame | ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ sendMp4ErrorFrame()
void Module::sendMp4ErrorFrame |
( |
frame_sp & | frame | ) |
protectedvirtual |
◆ serialize()
template<class T>
void Module::serialize |
( |
T & | props, |
frame_sp & | frame ) |
inlineprivate |
◆ setMetadata()
void Module::setMetadata |
( |
std::string & | pinId, |
framemetadata_sp & | metadata ) |
protected |
◆ setModuleState()
◆ setNext() [1/4]
bool Module::setNext |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
bool | open, |
bool | isFeedback, |
bool | sieve ) |
protected |
◆ setNext() [2/4]
bool Module::setNext |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
bool | open = true, |
bool | sieve = true ) |
virtual |
◆ setNext() [3/4]
bool Module::setNext |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
vector< string > & | pinIdArr, |
bool | open, |
bool | isFeedback, |
bool | sieve ) |
protected |
◆ setNext() [4/4]
bool Module::setNext |
( |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | next, |
vector< string > & | pinIdArr, |
bool | open = true ) |
◆ setProps()
◆ setSieveDisabledFlag()
void Module::setSieveDisabledFlag |
( |
bool | sieve | ) |
private |
◆ shouldForceStep()
bool Module::shouldForceStep |
( |
| ) |
private |
◆ shouldSkip()
bool Module::shouldSkip |
( |
| ) |
private |
◆ shouldTriggerSOS()
bool Module::shouldTriggerSOS |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AffineTransform, BMPConverter, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CudaMemCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4WriterSink, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPPusher, and VirtualCameraSink.
◆ step()
◆ stepNonSource()
bool Module::stepNonSource |
( |
frame_container & | frames | ) |
protected |
◆ stop()
◆ stop_onStepfail()
void Module::stop_onStepfail |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ term()
Reimplemented in AbsControlModule, AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioCaptureSrc, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileReaderModule, FileWriterModule, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4ReaderSource, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, NvArgusCamera, NvTransform, NvV4L2Camera, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPClientSrc, RTSPPusher, Split, StatSink, TestSignalGenerator, TextOverlayXForm, ThumbnailListGenerator, ValveModule, VirtualCameraSink, VirtualPTZ, and WebCamSource.
◆ try_pop()
frame_container Module::try_pop |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ try_push()
bool Module::try_push |
( |
frame_container | frameContainer | ) |
private |
◆ validateInputOutputPins()
virtual bool Module::validateInputOutputPins |
( |
| ) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
◆ validateInputPins()
bool Module::validateInputPins |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, EglRenderer, ExternalSinkModule, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileWriterModule, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, GtkGlRenderer, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, ImageViewerModule, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4WriterSink, MultimediaQueueXform, NvTransform, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPPusher, Split, StatSink, TextOverlayXForm, ThumbnailListGenerator, ValveModule, VirtualCameraSink, and VirtualPTZ.
◆ validateOutputPins()
bool Module::validateOutputPins |
( |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in AffineTransform, ArchiveSpaceManager, AudioCaptureSrc, AudioToTextXForm, BMPConverter, BrightnessContrastControl, CalcHistogramCV, CCNPPI, ColorConversion, CuCtxSynchronize, CudaMemCopy, CudaStreamSynchronize, DMAFDToHostCopy, EffectsNPPI, ExternalSourceModule, FaceDetectorXform, FacialLandmarkCV, FileReaderModule, FramesMuxer, GaussianBlur, H264Decoder, H264EncoderNVCodec, H264EncoderV4L2, HistogramOverlay, ImageDecoderCV, ImageEncoderCV, ImageResizeCV, JPEGDecoderL4TM, JPEGDecoderNVJPEG, JPEGEncoderL4TM, JPEGEncoderNVJPEG, KeyboardListener, MemTypeConversion, Merge, MotionVectorExtractor, Mp4ReaderSource, MultimediaQueueXform, NvArgusCamera, NvTransform, NvV4L2Camera, OverlayModule, OverlayNPPI, QRReader, ResizeNPPI, RotateCV, RotateNPPI, RTSPClientSrc, Split, TestSignalGenerator, TextOverlayXForm, ValveModule, VirtualPTZ, and WebCamSource.
◆ PipeLine
◆ controlModule
boost::shared_ptr<Module> Module::controlModule = nullptr |
protected |
◆ event_consumer
boost::function<void(Module *, unsigned short)> Module::event_consumer |
protected |
◆ fatal_event_consumer
boost::function<void(Module *, unsigned short)> Module::fatal_event_consumer |
protected |
◆ mCommandMetadata
framemetadata_sp Module::mCommandMetadata |
private |
◆ mConnections
Connections Module::mConnections |
private |
◆ mDirection
◆ mErrorCallback
APErrorCallback Module::mErrorCallback |
private |
◆ mFIndexStrategy
◆ mForceStepCount
uint32_t Module::mForceStepCount |
private |
◆ mForwardPins
uint32_t Module::mForwardPins |
private |
◆ mHealthCallback
APHealthCallback Module::mHealthCallback |
private |
◆ mInputPinIdMetadataMap
metadata_by_pin Module::mInputPinIdMetadataMap |
private |
◆ mInputPinsDirection
std::map<std::string, bool> Module::mInputPinsDirection |
private |
◆ mIsSieveDisabledForAny
bool Module::mIsSieveDisabledForAny = false |
private |
◆ mModules
map<string, boost::shared_ptr<Module> > Module::mModules |
private |
◆ module_state
◆ mOutputPinIdFrameFactoryMap
framefactory_by_pin Module::mOutputPinIdFrameFactoryMap |
private |
◆ mpCommandFactory
◆ mpFrameFactory
◆ mPlay
◆ mProfiler
boost::shared_ptr<Profiler> Module::mProfiler |
private |
◆ mProps
◆ mPropsChangeMetadata
framemetadata_sp Module::mPropsChangeMetadata |
private |
◆ mQue
◆ mQuePushStrategy
◆ mRelay
map<string, bool> Module::mRelay |
private |
◆ mRunning
◆ mSkipIndex
◆ mSpeed
◆ mStopCount
uint32_t Module::mStopCount |
private |
◆ myId
◆ myName
◆ myNature
◆ myThread
boost::thread Module::myThread |
private |
◆ onStepFail
boost::function<void()> Module::onStepFail |
protected |
◆ pacer
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- base/include/Module.h
- base/src/Module.cpp