ApraPipes 1.0
No Matches
MultimediaQueueXform Class Reference

#include <MultimediaQueueXform.h>

Inheritance diagram for MultimediaQueueXform:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MultimediaQueueXform:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 MultimediaQueueXform (MultimediaQueueXformProps _props)
virtual ~MultimediaQueueXform ()
bool init ()
bool term ()
void setState (uint64_t ts, uint64_t te)
bool handleCommand (Command::CommandType type, frame_sp &frame)
bool allowFrames (uint64_t &ts, uint64_t &te)
void addInputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId)
void setProps (MultimediaQueueXformProps _props)
MultimediaQueueXformProps getProps ()
bool handlePropsChange (frame_sp &frame)
boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueuegetQue ()
void extractFramesAndEnqueue (boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueue > &FrameQueue)
void setMmqFps (int fps)
void setPlaybackSpeed (float playbackSpeed)
void stopExportFrames ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Module
 Module (Kind nature, string name, ModuleProps _props)
virtual ~Module ()
Kind getNature ()
string getName ()
string getId ()
double getPipelineFps ()
uint64_t getTickCounter ()
string addOutputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata)
vector< string > getAllOutputPinsByType (int type)
void addOutputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId)
bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open=true)
virtual bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open=true, bool sieve=true)
bool addFeedback (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open=true)
bool addFeedback (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open=true)
boost_deque< boost::shared_ptr< Module > > getConnectedModules ()
bool relay (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open, bool priority=false)
void operator() ()
virtual bool run ()
bool play (float speed, bool direction=true)
bool play (bool play)
bool queueStep ()
virtual bool step ()
virtual bool stop ()
virtual bool isFull ()
bool isNextModuleQueFull ()
void adaptQueue (boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueueAdapter > queAdapter)
void register_consumer (boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)>, bool bFatal=false)
boost::shared_ptr< PaceMakergetPacer ()
virtual void flushQue ()
bool getPlayDirection ()
virtual void flushQueRecursive ()
virtual void addControlModule (boost::shared_ptr< Module > cModule)
void registerHealthCallback (APHealthCallback callback)
void executeErrorCallback (const APErrorObject &error)
void registerErrorCallback (APErrorCallback callback)
ModuleProps getProps ()

Public Attributes

boost::shared_ptr< StatemState
MultimediaQueueXformProps mProps

Protected Member Functions

bool process (frame_container &frames)
bool validateInputPins ()
bool validateOutputPins ()
bool validateInputOutputPins ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Module
virtual boost_deque< frame_sp > getFrames (frame_container &frames)
virtual bool processEOS (string &pinId)
virtual bool processSOS (frame_sp &frame)
virtual bool shouldTriggerSOS ()
virtual bool produce ()
bool stepNonSource (frame_container &frames)
bool preProcessNonSource (frame_container &frames)
bool preProcessControl (frame_container &frames)
bool isRunning ()
void setProps (ModuleProps &props)
void fillProps (ModuleProps &props)
template<class T >
void addPropsToQueue (T &props, bool priority=false)
template<class T >
bool handlePropsChange (frame_sp &frame, T &props)
template<class T >
bool queuePriorityCommand (T &cmd)
template<class T >
bool queueCommand (T &cmd, bool priority=false)
template<class T >
void getCommand (T &cmd, frame_sp &frame)
bool queuePlayPauseCommand (PlayPauseCommand ppCmd, bool priority=false)
frame_sp makeCommandFrame (size_t size, framemetadata_sp &metadata)
frame_sp makeFrame (size_t size, string &pinId)
frame_sp makeFrame (size_t size)
frame_sp makeFrame ()
frame_sp makeFrame (frame_sp &bigFrame, size_t &newSize, string &pinId)
frame_sp getEOSFrame ()
frame_sp getEmptyFrame ()
void setMetadata (std::string &pinId, framemetadata_sp &metadata)
virtual bool send (frame_container &frames, bool forceBlockingPush=false)
virtual void sendEOS ()
virtual void sendEOS (frame_sp &frame)
virtual void sendMp4ErrorFrame (frame_sp &frame)
virtual void sendEoPFrame ()
void ignore (int times)
void stop_onStepfail ()
void emit_event (unsigned short eventID)
void emit_fatal (unsigned short eventID)
void setModuleState (enum ModuleState es)
ModuleState getModuleState ()
size_t getNumberOfOutputPins (bool implicit=true)
size_t getNumberOfInputPins ()
framemetadata_sp getFirstInputMetadata ()
framemetadata_sp getFirstOutputMetadata ()
framemetadata_sp getOutputMetadata (string outPinID)
metadata_by_pin & getInputMetadata ()
framefactory_by_pin & getOutputFrameFactory ()
framemetadata_sp getInputMetadataByType (int type)
int getNumberOfInputsByType (int type)
int getNumberOfOutputsByType (int type)
framemetadata_sp getOutputMetadataByType (int type)
bool isMetadataEmpty (framemetadata_sp &metadata)
bool isFrameEmpty (frame_sp &frame)
string getInputPinIdByType (int type)
string getOutputPinIdByType (int type)
bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open, bool isFeedback, bool sieve)
bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open, bool isFeedback, bool sieve)
void addInputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId, bool isFeedback)
boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueuegetQue ()
bool getPlayState ()
Connections getConnections ()
frame_container try_pop ()
frame_container pop ()
bool processSourceQue ()
bool handlePausePlay (bool play)
virtual bool handlePausePlay (float speed=1, bool direction=true)
virtual void notifyPlay (bool play)
FFBufferMaker createFFBufferMaker ()

Private Types

using sys_clock = std::chrono::system_clock

Private Member Functions

void getQueueBoundaryTS (uint64_t &tOld, uint64_t &tNew)

Private Attributes

std::string mOutputPinId
bool pushToNextModule = true
bool reset = false
uint64_t startTimeSaved = 0
uint64_t endTimeSaved = 0
uint64_t queryStartTime = 0
uint64_t queryEndTime = 0
bool direction = true
FrameMetadata::FrameType mFrameType
sys_clock::time_point frame_begin
std::chrono::nanoseconds myTargetFrameLen
std::chrono::nanoseconds myNextWait
uint64_t latestFrameExportedFromHandleCmd = 0
uint64_t latestFrameExportedFromProcess = 0
bool initDone = false
int framesToSkip = 0
int initialFps = 0
float speed = 1
bool exportFrames

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Module
enum  ModuleState { Initialized , Running , EndOfStreamNormal , EndOfStreamSocketError }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Module
static frame_sp getFrameByType (frame_container &frames, int frameType)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Module
boost::function< void()> onStepFail
boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)> event_consumer
boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)> fatal_event_consumer
enum ModuleState module_state
boost::shared_ptr< ModulecontrolModule = nullptr

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ sys_clock

using MultimediaQueueXform::sys_clock = std::chrono::system_clock

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MultimediaQueueXform()

MultimediaQueueXform::MultimediaQueueXform ( MultimediaQueueXformProps _props)

◆ ~MultimediaQueueXform()

virtual MultimediaQueueXform::~MultimediaQueueXform ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addInputPin()

void MultimediaQueueXform::addInputPin ( framemetadata_sp & metadata,
string & pinId )

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ allowFrames()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::allowFrames ( uint64_t & ts,
uint64_t & te )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ extractFramesAndEnqueue()

void MultimediaQueueXform::extractFramesAndEnqueue ( boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueue > & FrameQueue)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getProps()

MultimediaQueueXformProps MultimediaQueueXform::getProps ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getQue()

boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueue > MultimediaQueueXform::getQue ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getQueueBoundaryTS()

void MultimediaQueueXform::getQueueBoundaryTS ( uint64_t & tOld,
uint64_t & tNew )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleCommand()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::handleCommand ( Command::CommandType type,
frame_sp & frame )

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handlePropsChange()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::handlePropsChange ( frame_sp & frame)

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::init ( )

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ process()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::process ( frame_container & frames)

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setMmqFps()

void MultimediaQueueXform::setMmqFps ( int fps)

◆ setPlaybackSpeed()

void MultimediaQueueXform::setPlaybackSpeed ( float playbackSpeed)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setProps()

void MultimediaQueueXform::setProps ( MultimediaQueueXformProps _props)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setState()

void MultimediaQueueXform::setState ( uint64_t ts,
uint64_t te )
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ stopExportFrames()

void MultimediaQueueXform::stopExportFrames ( )

◆ term()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::term ( )

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ validateInputOutputPins()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::validateInputOutputPins ( )

Reimplemented from Module.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ validateInputPins()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::validateInputPins ( )

Reimplemented from Module.

◆ validateOutputPins()

bool MultimediaQueueXform::validateOutputPins ( )

Reimplemented from Module.

Member Data Documentation

◆ direction

bool MultimediaQueueXform::direction = true

◆ endTimeSaved

uint64_t MultimediaQueueXform::endTimeSaved = 0

◆ exportFrames

bool MultimediaQueueXform::exportFrames

◆ frame_begin

sys_clock::time_point MultimediaQueueXform::frame_begin

◆ framesToSkip

int MultimediaQueueXform::framesToSkip = 0

◆ initDone

bool MultimediaQueueXform::initDone = false

◆ initialFps

int MultimediaQueueXform::initialFps = 0

◆ latestFrameExportedFromHandleCmd

uint64_t MultimediaQueueXform::latestFrameExportedFromHandleCmd = 0

◆ latestFrameExportedFromProcess

uint64_t MultimediaQueueXform::latestFrameExportedFromProcess = 0

◆ mFrameType

FrameMetadata::FrameType MultimediaQueueXform::mFrameType

◆ mOutputPinId

std::string MultimediaQueueXform::mOutputPinId

◆ mProps

MultimediaQueueXformProps MultimediaQueueXform::mProps

◆ mState

boost::shared_ptr<State> MultimediaQueueXform::mState

◆ myNextWait

std::chrono::nanoseconds MultimediaQueueXform::myNextWait

◆ myTargetFrameLen

std::chrono::nanoseconds MultimediaQueueXform::myTargetFrameLen

◆ pushToNextModule

bool MultimediaQueueXform::pushToNextModule = true

◆ queryEndTime

uint64_t MultimediaQueueXform::queryEndTime = 0

◆ queryStartTime

uint64_t MultimediaQueueXform::queryStartTime = 0

◆ reset

bool MultimediaQueueXform::reset = false

◆ speed

float MultimediaQueueXform::speed = 1

◆ startTimeSaved

uint64_t MultimediaQueueXform::startTimeSaved = 0

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: