ApraPipes 1.0
No Matches
SimpleControlModule Class Reference

#include <SimpleControlModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for SimpleControlModule:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SimpleControlModule:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 SimpleControlModule (SimpleControlModuleProps _props)
 ~SimpleControlModule ()
std::string printStatus ()
void handleError (const APErrorObject &error) override
void handleHealthCallback (const APHealthObject &healthObj) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from AbsControlModule
 AbsControlModule (AbsControlModuleProps _props)
 ~AbsControlModule ()
bool init ()
bool term ()
bool enrollModule (std::string role, boost::shared_ptr< Module > module)
 Enroll your module to use healthcallback, errorcallback and other control module functions.
boost::shared_ptr< ModulegetModuleofRole (std::string role)
std::string printStatus ()
virtual void handleMp4MissingVideotrack (std::string previousVideoFile, std::string nextVideoFile)
virtual void handleMMQExport (Command cmd, bool priority=false)
virtual void handleMMQExportView (uint64_t startTS, uint64_t endTS=9999999999999, bool playabckDirection=true, bool Mp4ReaderExport=false, bool priority=false)
virtual void handleSendMMQTSCmd (uint64_t mmqBeginTS, uint64_t mmqEndTS, bool priority=false)
virtual void handleLastGtkGLRenderTS (uint64_t latestGtkGlRenderTS, bool priority)
virtual void handleGoLive (bool goLive, bool priority)
virtual void handleDecoderSpeed (DecoderPlaybackSpeed cmd, bool priority)
void registerHealthCallbackExtention (boost::function< void(const APHealthObject *, unsigned short)> callbackFunction)
 Register external function to be triggered on every health callBack that control modules recieves from the modules. For eg. In SimpleControlModule, this extention is called at the end of handleHealthCallback function.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Module
 Module (Kind nature, string name, ModuleProps _props)
virtual ~Module ()
Kind getNature ()
string getName ()
string getId ()
double getPipelineFps ()
uint64_t getTickCounter ()
string addOutputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata)
vector< string > getAllOutputPinsByType (int type)
void addOutputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId)
bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open=true)
virtual bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open=true, bool sieve=true)
bool addFeedback (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open=true)
bool addFeedback (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open=true)
boost_deque< boost::shared_ptr< Module > > getConnectedModules ()
bool relay (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open, bool priority=false)
void operator() ()
virtual bool run ()
bool play (float speed, bool direction=true)
bool play (bool play)
bool queueStep ()
virtual bool step ()
virtual bool stop ()
virtual bool isFull ()
bool isNextModuleQueFull ()
void adaptQueue (boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueueAdapter > queAdapter)
void register_consumer (boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)>, bool bFatal=false)
boost::shared_ptr< PaceMakergetPacer ()
virtual void flushQue ()
bool getPlayDirection ()
virtual void flushQueRecursive ()
virtual void addControlModule (boost::shared_ptr< Module > cModule)
void registerHealthCallback (APHealthCallback callback)
void executeErrorCallback (const APErrorObject &error)
void registerErrorCallback (APErrorCallback callback)
ModuleProps getProps ()

Protected Member Functions

void sendEOS ()
void sendEOS (frame_sp &frame)
void sendEOPFrame ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbsControlModule
bool process (frame_container &frames)
bool handleCommand (Command::CommandType type, frame_sp &frame)
bool handlePropsChange (frame_sp &frame)
std::vector< std::string > serializeControlModule ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Module
virtual boost_deque< frame_sp > getFrames (frame_container &frames)
virtual bool processEOS (string &pinId)
virtual bool processSOS (frame_sp &frame)
virtual bool shouldTriggerSOS ()
virtual bool produce ()
bool stepNonSource (frame_container &frames)
bool preProcessNonSource (frame_container &frames)
bool preProcessControl (frame_container &frames)
bool isRunning ()
void setProps (ModuleProps &props)
void fillProps (ModuleProps &props)
template<class T >
void addPropsToQueue (T &props, bool priority=false)
template<class T >
bool handlePropsChange (frame_sp &frame, T &props)
template<class T >
bool queuePriorityCommand (T &cmd)
template<class T >
bool queueCommand (T &cmd, bool priority=false)
template<class T >
void getCommand (T &cmd, frame_sp &frame)
bool queuePlayPauseCommand (PlayPauseCommand ppCmd, bool priority=false)
frame_sp makeCommandFrame (size_t size, framemetadata_sp &metadata)
frame_sp makeFrame (size_t size, string &pinId)
frame_sp makeFrame (size_t size)
frame_sp makeFrame ()
frame_sp makeFrame (frame_sp &bigFrame, size_t &newSize, string &pinId)
frame_sp getEOSFrame ()
frame_sp getEmptyFrame ()
void setMetadata (std::string &pinId, framemetadata_sp &metadata)
virtual bool send (frame_container &frames, bool forceBlockingPush=false)
virtual void sendMp4ErrorFrame (frame_sp &frame)
virtual void sendEoPFrame ()
void ignore (int times)
void stop_onStepfail ()
void emit_event (unsigned short eventID)
void emit_fatal (unsigned short eventID)
void setModuleState (enum ModuleState es)
ModuleState getModuleState ()
virtual bool validateInputPins ()
virtual bool validateOutputPins ()
virtual bool validateInputOutputPins ()
size_t getNumberOfOutputPins (bool implicit=true)
size_t getNumberOfInputPins ()
framemetadata_sp getFirstInputMetadata ()
framemetadata_sp getFirstOutputMetadata ()
framemetadata_sp getOutputMetadata (string outPinID)
metadata_by_pin & getInputMetadata ()
framefactory_by_pin & getOutputFrameFactory ()
framemetadata_sp getInputMetadataByType (int type)
int getNumberOfInputsByType (int type)
int getNumberOfOutputsByType (int type)
framemetadata_sp getOutputMetadataByType (int type)
bool isMetadataEmpty (framemetadata_sp &metadata)
bool isFrameEmpty (frame_sp &frame)
string getInputPinIdByType (int type)
string getOutputPinIdByType (int type)
bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, bool open, bool isFeedback, bool sieve)
bool setNext (boost::shared_ptr< Module > next, vector< string > &pinIdArr, bool open, bool isFeedback, bool sieve)
void addInputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId, bool isFeedback)
virtual void addInputPin (framemetadata_sp &metadata, string &pinId)
boost::shared_ptr< FrameContainerQueuegetQue ()
bool getPlayState ()
Connections getConnections ()
frame_container try_pop ()
frame_container pop ()
bool processSourceQue ()
bool handlePausePlay (bool play)
virtual bool handlePausePlay (float speed=1, bool direction=true)
virtual void notifyPlay (bool play)
FFBufferMaker createFFBufferMaker ()

Private Attributes

boost::shared_ptr< DetailmDetail

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Module
enum  ModuleState { Initialized , Running , EndOfStreamNormal , EndOfStreamSocketError }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Module
static frame_sp getFrameByType (frame_container &frames, int frameType)
- Public Attributes inherited from AbsControlModule
std::map< std::string, boost::weak_ptr< Module > > moduleRoles
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbsControlModule
boost::function< void(const APHealthObject *, unsigned short)> healthCallbackExtention
- Protected Attributes inherited from Module
boost::function< void()> onStepFail
boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)> event_consumer
boost::function< void(Module *, unsigned short)> fatal_event_consumer
enum ModuleState module_state
boost::shared_ptr< ModulecontrolModule = nullptr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimpleControlModule()

SimpleControlModule::SimpleControlModule ( SimpleControlModuleProps _props)

◆ ~SimpleControlModule()

SimpleControlModule::~SimpleControlModule ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ handleError()

void SimpleControlModule::handleError ( const APErrorObject & error)

Reimplemented from AbsControlModule.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ handleHealthCallback()

void SimpleControlModule::handleHealthCallback ( const APHealthObject & healthObj)

Reimplemented from AbsControlModule.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ printStatus()

std::string SimpleControlModule::printStatus ( )
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendEOPFrame()

void SimpleControlModule::sendEOPFrame ( )

Reimplemented from AbsControlModule.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendEOS() [1/2]

void SimpleControlModule::sendEOS ( )

Reimplemented from AbsControlModule.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendEOS() [2/2]

void SimpleControlModule::sendEOS ( frame_sp & frame)

Reimplemented from AbsControlModule.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ mDetail

boost::shared_ptr<Detail> SimpleControlModule::mDetail

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: