![]() |
ApraPipes 1.0
Classes | |
struct | DemuxAndParserState |
Public Member Functions | |
Mp4ReaderDetailAbs (Mp4ReaderSourceProps &props, std::function< frame_sp(size_t size, string &pinId)> _makeFrame, std::function< frame_sp(frame_sp &bigFrame, size_t &size, string &pinId)> _makeFrameTrim, std::function< void(frame_sp frame)> _sendEOS, std::function< void(std::string &pinId, framemetadata_sp &metadata)> _setMetadata, std::function< void(frame_sp &errorFrame)> _sendMp4ErrorFrame, std::function< void(Mp4ReaderSourceProps &props)> _setProps) | |
~Mp4ReaderDetailAbs () | |
virtual void | setMetadata () |
virtual void | sendEndOfStream ()=0 |
virtual bool | produceFrames (frame_container &frames)=0 |
virtual int | mp4Seek (mp4_demux *demux, uint64_t time_offset_usec, mp4_seek_method syncType, int &seekedToFrame)=0 |
virtual int | getGop ()=0 |
bool | Init () |
void | updateMstate (Mp4ReaderSourceProps &props, std::string videoPath) |
void | setProps (Mp4ReaderSourceProps &props) |
std::string | getOpenVideoPath () |
int32_t | getOpenVideoFrameCount () |
std::map< std::string, std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t > > | getSnapShot () |
bool | refreshCache () |
std::string | getSerFormatVersion () |
void | setPlayback (float _speed, bool _direction) |
bool | getVideoRangeFromCache (std::string &videoPath, uint64_t &start_ts, uint64_t &end_ts) |
bool | attemptFileClose () |
bool | parseFS () |
bool | initNewVideo (bool firstOpenAfterInit=false) |
void | openVideoSetPointer (std::string &filePath) |
bool | randomSeekInternal (uint64_t &skipTS, bool forceReopen=false) |
uint64_t | calcReloadFileAfter () |
void | termOpenVideo () |
bool | randomSeek (uint64_t &skipTS, bool forceReopen=false) noexcept |
void | makeAndSendMp4Error (int errorType, int errorCode, std::string errorMsg, int openErrorCode, uint64_t _errorMp4TS) |
bool | isOpenVideoFinished () |
void | readNextFrame (frame_sp &imgFrame, frame_sp &metadetaFrame, size_t &imgSize, size_t &metadataSize, uint64_t &frameTSInMsecs, int32_t &mp4FIndex) noexcept |
void | readNextFrameInternal (frame_sp &imgFrame, frame_sp &metadetaFrame, size_t &imageFrameSize, size_t &metadataFrameSize, uint64_t &frameTSInMsecs, int32_t &mp4FIndex) |
Public Attributes | |
Mp4ReaderSourceProps | mProps |
int | mWidth = 0 |
int | mHeight = 0 |
bool | mDirection |
bool | isMp4SeekFrame = false |
int | ret |
double | mFPS = 0 |
float | playbackSpeed = 1 |
float | framesToSkip = 0 |
double | mDurationInSecs = 0 |
std::function< frame_sp(size_t size, string &pinId)> | makeFrame |
std::function< void(frame_sp frame)> | sendEOS |
std::function< frame_sp(frame_sp &bigFrame, size_t &size, string &pinId)> | makeFrameTrim |
std::function< void(frame_sp &errorFrame)> | sendMp4ErrorFrame |
std::function< void(std::string &pinId, framemetadata_sp &metadata)> | mSetMetadata |
std::function< void(Mp4ReaderSourceProps &props)> | setMp4ReaderProps |
std::string | h264ImagePinId |
std::string | encodedImagePinId |
std::string | metadataFramePinId |
boost::shared_ptr< Module > | controlModule = nullptr |
Protected Attributes | |
struct Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::DemuxAndParserState | mState |
uint64_t | openVideoStartingTS = 0 |
uint64_t | reloadFileAfter = 0 |
int | seekedToFrame = -1 |
bool | isVideoFileFound = true |
uint64_t | currentTS = 0 |
bool | sentEOSSignal = false |
bool | seekReachedEOF = false |
bool | waitFlag = false |
uint64_t | recheckDiskTS = 0 |
boost::shared_ptr< OrderedCacheOfFiles > | cof |
framemetadata_sp | updatedEncodedImgMetadata |
framemetadata_sp | mH264Metadata |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
pure virtual |
Implemented in Mp4ReaderDetailH264, and Mp4ReaderDetailJpeg.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
pure virtual |
Implemented in Mp4ReaderDetailH264, and Mp4ReaderDetailJpeg.
inline |
inline |
pure virtual |
Implemented in Mp4ReaderDetailH264, and Mp4ReaderDetailJpeg.
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
inline |
pure virtual |
Implemented in Mp4ReaderDetailH264, and Mp4ReaderDetailJpeg.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Mp4ReaderDetailH264, and Mp4ReaderDetailJpeg.
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
protected |
boost::shared_ptr<Module> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::controlModule = nullptr |
protected |
std::string Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::encodedImagePinId |
float Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::framesToSkip = 0 |
std::string Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::h264ImagePinId |
bool Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::isMp4SeekFrame = false |
protected |
std::function<frame_sp(size_t size, string& pinId)> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::makeFrame |
std::function<frame_sp(frame_sp& bigFrame, size_t& size, string& pinId)> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::makeFrameTrim |
bool Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mDirection |
double Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mDurationInSecs = 0 |
std::string Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::metadataFramePinId |
double Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mFPS = 0 |
protected |
int Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mHeight = 0 |
Mp4ReaderSourceProps Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mProps |
std::function<void(std::string& pinId, framemetadata_sp& metadata)> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mSetMetadata |
protected |
int Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::mWidth = 0 |
protected |
float Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::playbackSpeed = 1 |
protected |
protected |
int Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::ret |
protected |
protected |
std::function<void(frame_sp frame)> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::sendEOS |
std::function<void(frame_sp& errorFrame)> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::sendMp4ErrorFrame |
protected |
std::function<void(Mp4ReaderSourceProps& props)> Mp4ReaderDetailAbs::setMp4ReaderProps |
protected |
protected |