ApraPipes 1.0
No Matches
DetailJpeg Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DetailJpeg:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for DetailJpeg:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 DetailJpeg (Mp4WriterSinkProps &_props)
bool set_video_decoder_config ()
bool write (frame_container &frames)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DetailAbs
 DetailAbs (Mp4WriterSinkProps &_props)
void setProps (Mp4WriterSinkProps &_props)
 ~DetailAbs ()
void setImageMetadata (framemetadata_sp &metadata)
bool enableMetadata (std::string &formatVersion)
void initNewMp4File (std::string &filename)
bool attemptFileClose ()
bool shouldTriggerSOS ()
void addMetadataInVideoHeader (frame_sp inFrame)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from DetailAbs
boost::shared_ptr< Mp4WriterSinkPropsmProps
bool mMetadataEnabled = false
bool isKeyFrame
struct mp4_mux * mux
bool syncFlag = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from DetailAbs
int videotrack
int metatrack
int audiotrack
int current_track
uint64_t now
struct mp4_mux_track_params params metatrack_params
struct mp4_video_decoder_config vdc
struct mp4_mux_sample mux_sample
struct mp4_mux_prepend_buffer prepend_buffer
struct mp4_track_sample sample
int mHeight
int mWidth
short mFrameType
Mp4WriterSinkUtils mWriterSinkUtils
std::string mNextFrameFileName
std::string mSerFormatVersion
framemetadata_sp mInputMetadata
uint64_t lastFrameTS = 0
boost::shared_ptr< DTSCalcStrategymDTSCalc = nullptr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DetailJpeg()

DetailJpeg::DetailJpeg ( Mp4WriterSinkProps & _props)

Member Function Documentation

◆ set_video_decoder_config()

bool DetailJpeg::set_video_decoder_config ( )

Implements DetailAbs.

◆ write()

bool DetailJpeg::write ( frame_container & frames)

Implements DetailAbs.

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: